Trending on Foreign Boards: LoL's Best Legendary Skins - What's Your Favorite?

Trending on Foreign Boards: LoL’s Best Legendary Skins - What’s Your Favorite?

What is LoL?

- History of LoL

League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online competitive game worldwide. Since its release in 2009, it has captivated many players and continues to evolve.

- Game Features

It is a 5v5 team battle game that requires individual skills and strategies.

The Appeal of Legendary Skins

- Design Features

Legendary skins are known for their aesthetic beauty and rarity in the game. They are artworks combining design and functionality.

- Reason for Popularity

The rarity and unique design are the secrets of popularity. They are used as a means to express the player’s individuality.

Reactions on Foreign Boards

Battle Queen Katarina

Battle Queen Katarina

Battle Queen Katarina has 6 swappable daggers that change the fx of her spells.

Winterblessed Diana

Winterblessed Diana

Winterblessed Diana changes color after hitting 2 or more enemies with ult, the ult animation changing with how many enemies hit, and if she gets a penta Summoner’s Rift gets covered in snow for a bit (all on top of having some gorgeous animations/fx work).

High Noon Lucian

High Noon Lucian

High Noon Lucian

Agreed. Finally got it from an orb this year.

Storm Dragon Lee Sin

Storm Dragon Lee Sin

Storm Dragon Lee Sin allows you to deal 25% increased damage on Q and has a built in macro for wardhop or insec

High Noon Ashe, PROJECT: Ashe

High Noon Ashe

High Noon Ashe and PROJECT Ashe. Every animation just looks 1000x better with any of those two skins compared to the base animations

Ashe is not playable without one of these.

Worst part about Ashe getting any kind of new skin is that it has to go up against these two

Corporate Mundo

Corporate Mundo

Corporate Mundo.

i got this one on hextech! just waiting to be redeemed by essence

Surprise Party Fiddlesticks

Surprise Party Fiddlesticks

surprise party fiddlestick , first skin i got when riot gave every player with high honor a random skin box back in 2014 .

True Damage Ekko

True Damage Ekko

True Damage Ekko has some cool voicelines and unmatched drip

Not to mention the music is 🔥

The E is my favourite part

Soul Fighter Viego

Soul Fighter Viego

Soul fighter viego is absolutely amazing, the animations are top tier and chromas actually look so different to each other

Ice Toboggan Corki

Ice Toboggan Corki

Ice Toboggan Corki you guys have no taste smh

Soul Fighter Samira

Soul Fighter Samira

Samira’s soul fighter skin

Odyssey Kayn

Odyssey Kayn

Kayn odyssey, best skin for kayn till these days

Zombie Brand

Zombie Brand

Zombie brand goated

Spirit Blossom Ahri

Spirit Blossom Ahri

Spirit Blossom Ahri

PsyOps Pyke

PsyOps Pyke

PsyOps Pyke

Coven Evelynn

Coven Evelynn

I really like Coven Eve and Winterblessed Diana

Best Legendary Skins - According to Reddit?

What is your favorite Legendary Skin?

What is your favorite Best Legendary Skin? Tell us your favorite in the comments section!